East Side King

East Side King made me sad. It was high on my list of trucks to get and I even had an opportunity to hit them in the wild. Day one of Drupalcon and they tweeted they’d be a few blocks away until 2pm for lunch.

Finally! This is food trucking as it was meant to be.

So at about 1pm, I tweeted to the truck that a party of four was headed over, hoping there’d still be food. The tweet got favorited, so I took that as a good sign.

Sadly, when our group got to the place, there was no truck in sight. That said, this is exactly why I can’t count trailers. And it took a bit of explaining to the group, since they were not drinking the kool-aid on that one. Luckily, there was a great little Asian fusion restaurant very close by.

Add insult to injury: the man, the myth, the legend, Avi who heads up @uchiNOMgo when he’s not parading around as his own person sends me a DM the next day asking if I had East Side Kings yet and how good it was.


But after a few failed late-night attempts at luring people to the truck’s home base behind The Liberty bar, we did not pass Go, and went directly to have a few drinks after Evil Weiner. The goal: give @ufabricator and @zendoodles some time to digest before hitting the truck.


They only had the capacity to take a bite or two of my delicious grab: both the pork belly buns, known as Poor Qui (the chef at Qui owns the truck), and the beef tongue buns, cleverly known as Tongue Buns.

These buns were well worth the wait and tasted completely of victory on top of delicious.
Scoring: Texas trucks, 5; Austin trucks 3.

P.S. Sorry for the bad pics. Night owl missions mean darkness and it’s hard to get a good shot. Also, there was really no good vantage point to snap the truck.

The Food: 
Pork belly bun and beef tongue bun!
Saturday, June 7, 2014

Follow That Truck!