Three J's BBQ

And this, the moment of truth.

Now, rewind a bit before we left the office.

Don Rafa: Lunch is being served 58/Ellis with @BeaversDonuts @mjexpress14 @LilSaladTruck @threeJsBBQ @mdw2mnl @uchiNOMgo @Marcie_Hill @chifoodtruckz

Three J's BBQ? Never heard of them. Click. Twitter account is pretty empty. Search. Not much going here either. Wait. What's this? Oh, hey. I've seen that truck outside Merch. It's that Jamaican BBQ truck. But is it really a food truck? I thought it was a catering truck? Time to gather some intel.

I was entirely on the fence. One thing if this was truck 11 or truck 34. But the final truck? Truck 50? Could it be?

I can't be undecided here. Can't have my 50th truck called into question. Can't be called out some day for caving at the last minute. It's my integrity at stake here.

Three J's satisfied my Three Rules (Coincidence? Hmmmm): I have to go to them; I can't pre-order; and I have to pay for the food.

But there was no website. No Facebook page. Basically no twitter action.

People in the office unanimously voted yes. Me, I still wasn't convinced. Good thing I was meeting with an authority on food trucks, @uchiNOMgo. So in line at StopNGo, after we met and traded pleasantries, I quickly got to the matter at hand.

"I'm conflicted," I proclaim. "I need to know about Three J's BBQ. Is it a food truck?"

@uchiNOMgo didn't give it a second thought. Absolutely. He's usually around four days a week when the weather is warm. He always sells out. People love him. Sure, if my definition of a food truck is a more modern truck, then no. But food truck? Definitely.

I even mentioned all my reservations and concerns. @uchiNOMgo had no question this was legit.

So this was really it. I was going to hit 50, and with a week still left on the clock. Can I get a huzzah? Time to check out the truck!

This dude is all Jamaica mon. He rattled off the menu and I heard all I needed to hear: short ribs. I'll have the short ribs.

Oh and hey there...I have this website, and this crazy mission. And guess what? You are my 50th food truck this summer. Thanks dude!

So back at the office, I'm already stuffed from the iced coffee and cevapi. And now for yet another huge lunch.

Love at first bite. The jerk short ribs. The mac and cheese. Melt-in-your-mouth collards. Sweet potato. And a slice of white bread. 100% traditional. 100% delicious.

Oh I'll keep my eye out for you. Come back to Merch Mart. Soon.

So a complete sleeper came in and secured spot 50.

Who knew?

The Food: 
Jerk short ribs and all the trimmings. Oh baby!
Truck #: 
Friday, September 14, 2012

Follow that Truck!